【同义词辨析】 2020-06-30 俗丽gaudy-meretricious
gaudy: implies a tasteless use of overly bright, often clashing colors or excessive ornamentation: circus performers in ~ costumes. 如she was tricked out in gaudy dress她穿得华丽而俗气 clash冲突,clashing colors衣着颜色不协调 可以把这个词联想成"高低"
tawdry: applies to what is at once gaudy and cheap and sleazy: ~ saloons along the waterfront. (sleazy 1、肮脏dirty and unpleasant,如a sleazy bar/night-club乌烟瘴气的酒吧/污秽的夜总会 2、堕落不正派低级粗俗immoral and unpleasant,如a sleazy reporter不正派的记者, 如sex shops and sleazy magazines性用品商店和粗俗低级的杂志; 这个词常在政治新闻节目中出现,攻击对方) 这个词是St Audrey's lace的缩写,原指脖子上的丝带,后形容俗丽廉价低劣,如tawdry jewellery/imitation/ornaments俗丽而不值钱的首饰/仿制品/装饰,如本例廉价俗气的沙龙,赫本的全名是Audrey Hepburn,竟然和tawdry有联系
garish: describes what is distressingly or offensively bright: ~ signs the casinos. 如费城故事里,被告曾嫌一位黑人女士的耳环太"garish",希望她更"American"一些,那位女士在法庭答道: it's American,... African American法庭上的人开心大笑,她的白色耳环让人印象深刻,garish这个词表示明亮刺眼不舒服
flashy: implies an effect of brilliance quickly and easily revealed to be shallow or vulgar: a ~ nightclub act with leggy chorus girls. 又如flashy car/hotel/personality华而不实的跑车/豪华(贬)的宾馆/花拳绣腿的花招/招摇的个性 (flash闪亮implies a sudden, transient burst of bright light突然而短暂的亮光,如lightning flash闪电光,a police car with a flashing light一辆装有闪光灯的警车,如I took it with flash用闪光灯拍照)
meretricious: stresses falsity and may describe a tawdry show that beckons with a false allure or promise: a ~ wasteland of nightclubs and bars. meretricious原意是娼妓的形容词of a prostitute,强调虚假falsity,又如a meretricious style/praise/ornamentation华而不实的文体/言不由衷的恭维/俗丽的装饰(如使用假冒伪劣) (beckon召唤招手吸引to make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage or instruct someone to come nearer or follow用手、臂或头鼓励或命名某人靠近或跟上,如he beckoned me to come nearer他招手叫我,如lush grasslands beckoned the herdsman肥沃的草地吸引了牧人,如the mountains beckon青山诱人)
gaudy俗丽: 指衣着亮丽,但俗气没品味,tawdry俗丽: 指一看便知俗丽廉价低劣,garish刺眼: 指明亮到让人难忍,flashy浮华招摇肤浅: 指闪亮惊艳,但很快便知肤浅俗气,meretricious俗丽: 强调虚假的美丽魅丽诱惑
记忆方法: 1)首字母GTGFM想成光涂膏抹粉<==俗丽
2)俗丽的意思是粗俗廉价地炫耀mean vulgarly or cheaply showy. vulgar粗俗庸俗lacking good taste; unrefined,如a vulgar check suit/joke俗气的格子西装/粗俗的玩笑